Depurfiltech is an organisation certified in the continuous improvement of its processes and transparent in its management, with a commitment to permanence in society and maximum respect for the environment. These are the criteria on which our Corporate Social Responsibility policies are based. They define our business strategy, which affects our relationship with society, employees, customers and suppliers.
Depurfiltech is adhered to the Global Compact to endorse our commitment to support, promote and diffuse the fundamental principles of human rights, good practices, labour, environmental and anti-corruption.
Our motto is offer products and services that society demands, creating value, with an ethical and social commitment, respecting the environment.
We make sure that these products and services are of high quality so that they contribute to the development and well-being of people, with the minimum possible environmental impact.
The products we supply are eco-efficient for the protection of the environment, therefore, our Corporate Social Responsibility system is a priority in our strategy and we approve the following guidelines;
- Commitment to respect universal rights and principles and general CSR management principles. No use or acceptance of child labour, forced labour, or discriminatory practices based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation or age when hiring, remunerating, training, promoting, firing or retiring staff. The company will not use or support the use of physical punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse towards or among its employees.
- Garantizar el pago de salarios, siempre cumpliendo con los mínimos establecidos legalmente.
- Compromiso de cumplir con los requisitos legales y reglamentarios, con los requisitos de la norma de referencia y con otros requisitos que la organización suscriba en materia de responsabilidad social.
- Generar productos y servicios de alta calidad a un precio competitivo que satisfaga a las necesidades de los clientes, causando el respeto al Medio Ambiente y a la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores y el uso eficiente de la energía.
- Guarantee the payment of salaries, always fulfilling the legally established minimums.
- Commitment to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, with the requirements of the reference standard and with other requirements the organisation subscribes to in terms of social responsibility.
- Generate high quality products and services at a competitive price that satisfies the needs of customers, respecting the environment and the health and safety of workers and the efficient use of energy.
- Commitment to continuous improvement of the Corporate Social Responsibility System.
- Communication with the authorities, local communities and the general public will be fluid, allowing knowledge of the real effects of operations and Corporate Social Responsibility policies and responding positively to legitimate demands for information.
- Raise awareness and provide training and means for our employees to actively collaborate in this cause.
- Support the purchase of energy-efficient products and design in order to improve energy performance, as well as encourage the efficient use of energy and energy savings through the use of energy-saving techniques in its facilities and improving habits among its employees and any outsiders using its facilities.
The active implementation of these principles requires the support of management, staff and stakeholders. This policy is available to all company staff, other stakeholders and the general public.